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The Coaching


Core Energy Coaching

Going Beyond Traditional

Forms of Sustainable Success

People turn to coaching because it works!


Coaching is a vital component to all forms of marked success. It provides the dedicated time and protected space for you the client to explore your deepest desires, inner conflicts and envision the life you truly desire.


Can you imagine someone trying to win a championship without having a coach that believes in them, sparks inspiration, promotes accountability, direction, insight and invaluable tools and resources when they get stuck.


Coaching provides the platform you need to create the desired experiences you yearn for and the support and guidance to overcome challenges. We each have our own championship to win regardless if its on the field, in the board room or in the family room.


Coaching helps you to be the very best in any situation with clarity, targeted goals, accountability and tangible results.







Who's whispering words
of inspiration in your ear?

The Core Energy Difference

Leading Edge Solutions
for Today’s Leaders

The Core Energy Solution is based on 30 Years of Research. It was developed by Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) founder, Bruce D Schneider,to help individuals  to optimize their energy so they could experience increased levels of productivity, performance and ultimate success.


 The Core Energy Coaching process was founded on more than 10,000 hours of research and application over the course of 30 years. This interdisciplinary process has its roots in psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mentoring, consulting, quantum physics, metaphysics, adult and accelerated learning theories, emotional intelligence, leadership development, and theories of conscious evolution providing the complete solution for maximum results

Coaching From the Inside Out



Our coaching solution uses the Core Energy Coaching Process to work from the inside out supporting a holistic or “total” approach to ensure maximized success. This success is driven from the core thoughts, feelings and actions that create success and designed to remove any blocks, points of resistance or core qualities that prevents clients from enjoying sustainable success…


When a client learns how to optimize their energy so that it works for them instead of against them, this process becomes a repeatable system that can be used to promote increased success in all areas of their lives to generate the results they desire to achieve.


Our coaching differs from traditional forms of coaching which often works at the surface level to address targeted goals and desires, accountability followed by some level of success however, in most instances the success is limited and not sustainable because the inner qualities have not been aligned to support the outer goals and objectives….


This is where the Core Energy Coaching process excels to help clients get clear on how they show up to each part of their lives and how their core energy is either supporting them or preventing them from reaching their desired level of success.

Maximizing Results



To ensure optimal results we use a Core Energy Framework that is based on 7 levels of energy that can be used as an indicator of the type of success you will experience and the quality of those experiences depending upon which level of energy you utilize.


This framework functions as a reference tool to not only educate the client on the 7 levels of energy, leadership and ways in which to experience the world but also as a focal point to managing their energy for optimal sustainable results.




Begin the Journey to Optimal Success

Are You Ready to Begin?


Our coaching services are offered to individual clients, groups of collaboration, project team members, and organizations that desire optimal performance and success.


Each session provides the key level of support and guidance required to achieve marked results in a timely fashion with clear objectives and tangible results. The real question is: are you ready to go to your next level of success?


Good Return on Investment (ROI) Coaching is one of the most important areas of support that one can encounter to uncover hidden goals, desires, interests, challenging areas and points of resistance that get in the way of reaching success.


Accountability - Coaching not only provides the necessary time and space required for clients to get to the core need that's usually hidden beneath the surface but also functions as a spring board for inspired actions in doing the necessary work to reach the desired goals.


Coaching sessions can be used to kickstart success by focusing on a target goal or can be added in conjunction with our signature leadership programs to deepen the awareness and results. 




Our Coaching Solutions

  • The Sampler            3 sessions 45 min

  • The Self Aware        3 months 12 session

  • The Professional     6 months 24 sessions

  • The Elite                     9 months 36 sessions

  • Mastery                       12 months retainer-unlimited 


For groups, teams, and corporations we customize our services and create a solution that aligns with the needs of your goals and objectives.

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